What is Robotic Process Automation?

"Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allows anyone today to configure computer software, or a “robot” to emulate and integrate the actions of a human interacting within digital systems to execute a business process.".

Why RPA is Needed?

The vital role of robotic automation is to offer improved customer experience and operational excellence by increasing performance, efficiency and agility. Robotic automation helps businesses improve their overall productivity.

When to use RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a technology that uses software robots to automate repetitive tasks and manual processes—enhancing the work of your employees by interacting with websites,business and desktop applications, databases and people to execute repetitive and often mundane work




Robotic process automation allows you to eliminate the human margin of error, which in the case of repetitive tasks is set between 5% and 10%.Robots have the capacity for unlimited attention, have no distractions, and do not make mistakes in their calculations.


From start to finish, ProcessRobot achieves more with less amount of resources consumed, freeing up skilled employees and dramatically increasing enterprise efficiency.


RPA has been designed to return a huge amount of performance data analysis as KPI’s key analysis.This information is used to continuously improve the system and to be able to have accurate information about the savings generated and productivity.

Cost Reductions

With automation of repetitive manual processes, administrative costs are significantly reduced and the need for back-office resources is eliminated.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Robotic Automation Process?

Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allows anyone today to configure computer software, or a “robot” to emulate and integrate the actions of a human interacting within digital systems to execute a business process.

Why RPA is Needed?

The vital role of robotic automation is to offer improved customer experience and operational excellence by increasing performance, efficiency and agility. Robotic automation helps businesses improve their overall productivity

When to use RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a technology that uses software robots to automate repetitive tasks and manual processes—enhancing the work of your employees by interacting with websites, business and desktop applications, databases and people to execute repetitive and often mundane work

Why RoboVU RPA?

RPA is economically efficient than any other automation solutions that exist currently. Implementing RPA for redundant business processes also enables human beings to shift their focus from repetitive tasks to tasks requiring emotional intelligence, reasoning, judgement and interactions with the customers